Welcome to Zinc! The Ruscher Agency and Zinc Insurance are excited to announce that the two agencies are merging effective March 2022 under the Zinc brand. Kevin and Gene wanted to share a few remarks on the merger:
"We are excited to announce that we are expanding our agency and merging with Zinc Insurance! This expansion will allow us to offer you a complete range of insurance coverage at competitive pricing. While we may have a different agency name, both of us will be working closely with the Zinc staff to offer you the same quality personal service that you expect. Our goal has never changed - we want to take the best care of you, the customer, that we possibly can."
What does this mean for you? Your policy will remain the same and no action is needed from you at this time. Zinc's experienced service team is excited to work with you and help maintain your policy! If you have any further questions or need assistance, contact us here!